Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Beauty Sweetener

Good evening, folks!
It's been a couple of months I didn't greet you with my foods
My excuses are I was doing my community service during 2 months starting from June and conducting a food exhibition "Foodcraft 2017" with my friends. Later, I'll tell you about Foodcraft.
Now, I'm back with tons of information of food to share.

As you can read from the title above, today's discussion is about sweetener. We know than many people like consuming sweet foods, such as candy, fruits, sweet beverages, and many more. Yet, they themselves are afraid of suffering obesity or diabetes. Those two may even cause people to suffer more illnesses.

In 2008, The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had stated a new non-calorie sweetener as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Also in 2011, The EU gave an approval to use this non-calorie sweetener in foods and beverages. This non-calorie sweetener is called steviol glycosides, one of components extracted from Stevia plant (Stevia rebaudiana), which you can see the picture above.

Stevia plant is originally from South America, exactly from Paraguay. Ancient people of Paraguay got used to add Stevia leaves into their bitter beverages. Basically, people has already known that Stevia can be used as sweetener. The sweet components of Stevia plant are steviol glycosides, steviol, steviosides, and rebaudioside (A, B, C, D). The sweetness level of Stevia can reach to300 times than sucrose.

During our body metabolism, Rebaudioside A will be degraded by colon microbes into Stevioside and Steviol. Stevioside is further converted to glucose, yet the glucose will directly be consumed by colon microbes and there will not be absorbed in blood. As for the Steviol, it's the last metabolized product of Rebaudioside which is absorbed and glucuronidated. The glucuronide bond is then filtered in kidneys into urine.

Furthermore, Stevia plant is safe for kids, adolescents, nursing mother, diabetic and obesity people. We know that kids are fragile to any excess consumption of certain nutrition, like carbohydrates. Excess consumption of carbohydrate may lead kids to early diabetes, or a hyperactive behavior (too much energy intake). But, using Stevia as sweetener won't cause both of those because its non-calorie effect. It's also similar for nursing mother, in which too much intake of carbohydrates may be harmful for the infants. As for obesity people, Stevia plant can replace the role of sucrose as regular sweetener, of which Stevia offer lower calorie than sucrose. Last but not least, Stevia plant is very good for diabetic people. it's because steviol glycosides enhance the secretion of insulin and steviosides enhance the utilization of secreted insulin. As the result, more glucose can be converted to glycogen. 

Although replacing sucrose with Stevia plant is a very safe alternative, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of steviol glycosides needs to concern about. The ADI of steviol glycosides for human is 7,9 mg / kg body weight. So, when your body weight is about 50 kg, you may consume steviol glycosides until 395 mg (0,395 g). The amount of steviol glycosides is about 2-10% (+/- 6%) of dry weight leaves. Then, around 6,5 g of Stevia leaves that you can consume daily.

That's all about today's sweetener.
Hope you enjoy it! Thankyou

References :
Gupta, Ena et al. 2013. "Nutritional and Therapeutic Values of Stevia rebaudiana : A Review". Journal of Medicine Plant Research, vol. 7 (46) : 3343 - 3353.
International Food Information Council Foundation. 2012. "Stevia Sweeteners". Accessed on September, 27th 2017 at 07.00 p.m.
International Stevia Council. ___. "All About Stevia". Accessed on September, 27th 2017 at 07.25 p.m.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Warmth

Hello, good morning all!
Today, I'd like to bring you a glass of traditional beverage.
This beverage is well known because of its fragrance, warmth while sipping, various spices used, and also its benefit.

Yes, today's topic is Wedang Uwuh. Have you ever heard about it? Let me tell you a brief story about Wedang Uwuh. Wedang Uwuh originally comes from Yogyakarta, especially Imogiri. The word "Wedang" means beverage, and "Uwuh" means garbage. WHAT? Do we drink a glass of garbage? Literally, yes. Technically, not! When it comes to garbage, it's not an actual garbage. Garbage here means Wedang Uwuh is made of various dried spices and herbs that are mixed in a glass of hot water, which then it looks like a garbage inside the glass. 

The spices and herbs may have a beneficial health effect for us. That makes this Wedang Uwuh is looked for by many Indonesian people. If you want to try how it tastes, I'm sharing to you the recipe of making Wedang Uwuh.

To make Wedang Uwuh, first you need : 
- Water (700 ml)
- Dried Secang bark (40 g)
- Rock sugar (50 g)
- Ginger (6 cm)
- Dried cinnamon leaves (2 pcs)
- Dried clove leaves (3 pcs)
- Dried nutmeg leaves (3 pcs)
- Cloves (10 pcs)

Then, the procedures are :
1. First, roast all gingers and smash them. 
2. Pour the water into a pot, and bring it to simmer.
3. Put all the spices and herbs into simmering water.
4. Simmer for about 15 minutes.
5. Pour Wedang Uwuh into a glass, either first drain it or not.
6. Wedang Uwuh is ready to served, and enjoy while it's warm. 

Isn't that simple to make Wedang Uwuh, right?
Otherwise, if you don't want to go to a market and buy all of the spices and herbs, you can simply buy the packaged one. It's now available a packaged set of spices and herbs to make Wedang Uwuh. You only need to boil some water, then put all the spices and herbs into it. Tadaaa~ Your Wedang Uwuh is now ready!

Wedang Uwuh isn't only a traditional beverage, and people won't eagerly search for it for no reasons. Wedang Uwuh is believed to have a beneficial health effect from the spices and herbs, like I've said. 

Okay, that's all I can share to you today!
Enjoy your Wedang Uwuh!
Have a nice day~

Saturday, April 15, 2017

What a Daily Bread

Hello, folks! I'm back
Today I'd like to share to you about Bread.
We know bread as they can easily be found everywhere. Moreover, lots of bakery shops are open world widely. 
Every time we walk through a bakery shop, we may smell something good inside. It's fragrant, mild, appetizing, and inviting to directly see.

Most of bread we already know is made of wheat. Despite, there are bread that's made of rye, maize, sorghum, oat, etc. Yet, wheat becomes the standard of any carbohydrate sources to bread-making flour.

Wheat quality is then determined by its milling process. We may find two kinds of bread in a store, such as ordinary bread and wholegrain bread. Ordinary bread means that the grain, which is wheat, is milled before it's used to make bread. While wholegrain bread means that the grain isn't milled or only milled partly. This milling process eliminates the germ and husk of the grain that contain high proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As the result, ordinary bread has lower level of proteins, vitamins, and minerals than wholegrain bread.

Next, what does happen during the bread-making process ?
Commonly, we know that to make bread, there are several processes to go through that are mixing, fermenting, molding, and baking. During the mixing, all of the ingredients are put together to be mixed. As we know, wheat flour contains gluten-forming proteins, which are glutenin and gliadin. Glutenin and gliadin will form gluten if there's enough water and mechanical energy during mixing process. This gluten will help to rise and define the bread's structure. Besides that, mixing will help to gather the bubbles inside dough from environmental air. This bubbles will then be trapped by viscoelastic gluten. The ingredients have to be mixed at proper time, if it's undermixing some of ingredients won't mix thoroughly, and it's overmixing the dough will fall down because of the broken structure of gluten inside.

After mixing, the dough need to be fermented. Fermentation process isn't only about the work of yeast in transferring glucose into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Fermentation is also about resting the dough in order to build its structure. During fermentation, the yeast will consume the glucose and excrete carbon dioxide and alcohol. This process is helped by the enzymes from the wheat itself that degrade starch into sugar. As the carbon dioxide is largely produced by yeasts, the air bubbles is getting bigger.  Furthermore, during fermentation, the disulfide bonds are oxidize to sulfhidril bonds which are tighter.

Last but not least,
After fermentation process, the dough is punched to release some of gases inside. However, the gases that remain inside is spread over the dough equally. Next, the dough is put into a tray to get ready to be baked. 
During baking, the heal will rise the temperature up and make the air bubbles bigger and bigger, also evaporate the alcohol. The heat constructs the outside crust of the bread and gives it brown color. The gluten will keep the air bubbles in shape. So, if you cut through the center of bread, you'll see porous structure inside. 

That's all I can share to you today.
I hope you enjoy it, and may be fruitful to you.
Thank you.

Rosell, Christina M. 2011. "The Science of Doughs and Bread Quality". Flour and Breads and Their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention, pp. 3 - 14.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Say, Cheese !

Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you again,
Sorry for this so-long-not-posting time, peace!

Today, I bring you something delicate to discuss. Yeah, you may have known by seeing the picture above. It's time for cheesy Cheese!

What do you know about cheese?
Back to milleniums before, approximately 8000-3000 BC cheese was accidentally made. Accidentally? Yes, it was when eastern people stored milk in a dried animal's organs. Somehow, the milk curdled after being stored for certain time. Then, they tried to preserved the curdled milk by salting and pressing. That's how cheese was made for the first time.

Nowadays, cheese processing is widely spread around the world. Moreover, there are many kinds of cheese according to the processes done. I'm sharing you the basic way to make cheese, please take a note! hahaha

1. Curdling : Fresh milk (goat, sheep, cow) is curdled by addition of lactic acid bacteria and rennet enzyme. As the milk become more acidic, the casein (milk's protein) starts curdling and separating from the fat.
2. Processing : The curd then is processed by several treatments depending on what kind of cheese wanted to make. a) Cooking the cheese to about 35-55 centigrade of temperature let it become harder. b) Salting the cheese helps to remove more whey from the curd. Salt gives more flavor and firm consistency of the curd, as well. c) Cheddaring the curd is done by stacking and pressing the curd to make hard cheese. d) Stretching the curd by stirring and kneading the curd in hot water may form a stretchy texture, like in mozarella and provolone cheese. e) Washing the cheese may produce a mild-flavored cheese because water reduces its acidity level.
3. Ripening : The processed curd the stored into an undercontrolled room (temperature, humidity, bacteria population). The lactic acid bacteria start to be active again during ripening. The yield of cheese depends on what species of lactic acid bacteria added to the curd. Some make the outside crust, some bring flavor out, and others may produce carbon dioxide so that the cheese has holes inside.

Last, but not least, let me share to you several kinds of cheese :
a. Feta Cheese (fresh cheese)
b. Edam Cheese (semi-soft ripened cheese)
c. Camembert Cheese (soft ripened cheese)
d. Parmigiano Cheese (hard cheese)
e. Blue cheese (veined cheese)

Thank you for reading my article,
Please be waiting for the next articles ahead. See you!

Newendorp, Amanda.___. Cheese Varieties and Their Production. Accessed on Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 11.00 a.m.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

We Eat WHAT !?!?

Have you ever eaten in Japanese restaurant?

When you come in to Japanese restaurant, you may find some condiments served on table already, such as soy sauce, ginger pickles, and something green. This 'something green' is Wasabi, which is our topic today.
Wasabi has almost smooth texture, spicy and minty flavor, with a bit bitter aftertaste, I think.

Most importantly, do you kinow what is Wasabi?
Wasabi comes from Eutrema wasabi plant. This Eutrema wasabi grows well in a cold place with flowing water. What actually we eat as Wasabi is its roots (you can see it on the picture above). WHAT?!?! ROOTS?!?! Yes, it's similar to other tubers that store itsfood source in their roots. And for the leaves, it can be dried for flavoring or pickled fresh.

If you want to eat with Wasabi, please choose the one which is FRESH!
Choose the wasabi's roots which are fresh, cool, and unwrinkled. 
Otherwise, you can use bottled or canned Wasabi from grocery store. Yet, it's been mixed with other seasoning, such as horseraddish and mustard.

To prepare the Wasabi : 

1. Peel the skin off
2. Grate them using the backside of regular grater or certain grater for Wasabi. This special grater for Wasabi looks like a cutting board with rough surface (picture above).
3. Hold the Wasabi root and make a round move above the grater.
4. Grate well until you get a thick green paste out of it.
5. Last but not least, place the Wasabi paste to a small plate and serve it freshly.

You can eat your Wasabi with several ways to choose : 
> Mix the Wasabi paste with japanese soy sauce for a dipping sauce of sushi
> Add directly to noodle soup
> Spread the Wasabi paste on your grilled meat or vegetables
> Or, mix it with salad dressing for salad

Experimentally, Wasabi contains good substance to prevent cancer, which is Isothiocyanates. This isothiocyanates can reduce some excess hormones, so that can lower the risk of hormonal cancer (breast cancer, prostate cancer). Other nutrients contained in Wasabi are pottasium, calcium, and vitamin C. Others say that Wasabi has an antimicrobial substance, so it's suitable served with raw food.

Wow! That's all I can sahre to you today!
Thank you for paying attention, hahaha.

Miles, Carol, Tamera Flores, and Gayle Alleman. 1999. "Wasabi : A Fiery Delicacy from Japan Served with Noodles, Sushi, Dips, Meats, and Other Favorite Foods". Food from The Field. USA : King County Agriculture Commision and Washington State University.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Crumbly Green !

Hello, there!

I'm back again.
Today, I'm talking about mexican food, especially mexican condiment.
It looks green, fresh, and crumbly. It tastes sweet, creamy, and a bit tangy.
It's GUACAMOLE, people!

I'm sharing to you how to make Guacamole, which is very easy.
1) Ingredients :
-Jalapeno pepper

2) Seasoning :
-Powdered Cayenne pepper
-Powdered cumin

3) Procedures :
- Spoon the avocado flesh out, chop the shallots roughly, cut the tomatoes into dice, and slice the jalapeno pepper thinly.
- Put the avocadoes in a bowl and mash them up, but not too smooth.
- Add the shallots, tomatoes, and jalapeno pepper. Mix them up.
- Chop the garlics roughly, and add to the mixture.
- Add some salt, cayenne pepper, and cumin powder to the mixture. Don't forget to adjust the flavor.
- Sqeeze the lime juices to the mixture and top the mixture with finely chopped cilantro.
- Guacamole is ready to serve!

Guacamole is a fresh condiment, because we don't need any heat treatment during the making process.
What we need is only mix all the ingredients up.
It's simple, fresh, and healthy.

Guacamole is for :
1. Eat it as a condiment with nachos, or any other chips
2. Use it as spread for breads.
3. Spoon and flat it on burritos or tacos ad their filling.

That's all I can share to you!
I'm looking forward to your very own recipe of Guacamole, and let me know by leaving a comment below.
Hope you enjoy and may you start making it.
Thank you.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hello Honey, What Are You Doing ?

Good evening, pals!
I'm back with something sweet to discuss. Tonight, it's all about HONEY!
Sweet, golden brown, thick, natural, and from bees. Those are common things we know about honey.
Anything else? Come on, talk about honey together!

Honey is the substance made when the nectar and sweet deposits from plants are gathered, modified and stored in the honeycomb by honey bees. Main contents in honey are glucose, fructose, and water. There are many types of honey based on flower sources, such as Manuka honey, Pasture honey, Jelly Bush honey, Jungle honey, Chestnut honey, Rhododendron honey, and Blossom honey.
Honey has characteristics that are sensitive to heat, which may loss its bio-activity; sensitive to light; storage effect due to heat and light exposure.

Honey bees, which produce honey, are the only insects that produce a food consumed by humans. Honey is produces in a beehive. Honey bees colony contains one queen, 500-1000 drones, and about 30.000-60.000 workers. The queen, which is nurtured on a special diet of royal jelly, is the only sexually developed female in the hive. The drone bees will mate the queen to give more bee eggs. Once giving eggs, the queen may produce about 3.000 eggs to hatch. After the eggs are hatched, the worker bees will do a sequence of jobs, like cleaning the nursery, caring for and feeding the larvae, collecting nectar, making wax comb, and guarding the hive.
While bees are collecting nectar from blossom to blossom to produce honey, they also spread pollens from plant to plant. So that those plants would fertilize and be able to bear fruits.

Talking about nutrients contained in Honey,
Honey is mainly about carbohydrates, the most are fructose (38,5%) and glucose (31%). The remaining carbohydrates are maltose, sucrose. Honey's water content is about 17,1%.
Honey also contains vitamins, such as pyridoxin, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid; minerals, such as Ca, Co, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, and Zn. Moreover, honey has a good components of antioxidants, they are chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin.

Honey is nice when you know whether it can inhibit pathogenic bacteria in our body (example is when we have an open injured). How come?
I'm trying to be simple at this. Honey has a great amount of sugar. When honey is diluted with water, it will activate the glucose oxidaze enzyme, which will hydrolyze sugar to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This H2O2 will inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes. Besides, honey itself is viscous, thus can protect the open injured (wounds) from infections. Also, honey has low pH amongst 3.2 - 4.5 that is the pH level where bacteria can't grow well. According to research done, honey is effective against Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Streptococcus aureus.  How cool that is!

References : 
Anonim. 1986. The Story of Honey. Longmont : The National Honey Board.

 Mandal, Manisha Deb and Shyamapada Mandal. 2011. "Honey : Its Medicinal Property and Antibacterial Activity". Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, vol. 1 (2) : 154 - 160.

Singh, M. P. et al. 2012. "Honey as Complementary Medicine : A Review". International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, vol. 3 (2) : 12 - 31.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Please, It's Not a Soy Sauce!

It's browny black, thick, gooey, and sweet. Is that soy sauce? Nope!
Let me introduce you to Molasses! It's molasses.
Basically, molasses are by-product from sucrose production. It can be from sugarcane, sugar beets, wood sugar, or citrus.

According to where the molasses come from, they're classifed into : 
1. Cane molasses : it's a by product of the manufacure of sucrose from sugar cane. It has to be containing about 46% of total reducing sugar at minimum.

2. Beet molasses : it's a by product of the manufacture of sucrose from sugar beets. It has to be containing about 48% of total reducing sugar at minimum.

3. Citrus molasses : it's dehydrated juices from manufacture of dried citrus pulp. It has to be containing about 45% of total reducing sugar at minimum.

4. Hemicellulose extract : it's a by-product of manufacture of pressed woods. The woods are pressed without using any acid, alkalis, or salts and at elevated temperature. It has to be containing about 55% of carbohydrate at minimum.

5. Starch molasses :  it's a by product of manufacture of dextrose from corn / sorghum, of which the starch is hydrolyzed by enzymes/acid. It has to be containing about 50% of total dextrose at minimum.

On the other side, molasses are also distinguished by how it's produced, they are :
1. Integral high-test molasses : it's from unclarified sugarcane juices, which has been partially inverted to prevent crystallization, then concentrated by evaporation until approximately 80% of DM content.

2. High-test molasses : it's the same as integral high-test molasses, unless the juices from sugarcane has been clarified at first.

3. "A" molasses : it's an intermediate product of centrifuged A masecuite (a product of levelled-evaporated juices of sugarcane). 

4. "B" molasses : it's also an intermediate product and a mixture of A molasses and "seed-sugar". It's then centrifuged again to earn more raw sugar.

5. "C" molasses :it's the last molasses collected from combining the B molasses with the sugar crystal from cryztallization process. "C" molasses is considerably containing of approximately 32-42% of sucrose.

Mollases' market is based on the Brix number. Brix number indicates the total sugar contained in the molasses in weight basis. 
But, molasses aren't just about sugar. Molasses may contain protein, minerals, and vitamins.
First, the sugar content in molasses can be controlled by the sources and how the process done in the manufacture. Example, the longer time of the centrifugation process, the less total sugar contained in the molasses. 
Second, protein in molasses presents in very least number. More nitrogenous compounds found in molasses aren't protein (or amino acids).
Third, the minerals presented in molasses depend on the sources of molasses itself. Like, molasses from sugarcane may contain high calcium, phosphorus, and chlorine. But, molasses from sugar beets may contain high potassium and sodium. Another trace minerals found in molasses are copper, iron, manganese, and zinc.
Fourth, some vitamins may also occur in molasses, such as biotin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and thiamine.

Last, but not least. Consuming molasses may have a benefit for your health. It may be :
1. Increasing the palatability
2. Increasing more sugar to digest easily (sugar in molasses is easily abosorbed)
3. Appearing to exert a tonic effect
4. Eliminating dust in feeds

That's all I can share to you about molasses. 
Thank you.

References : 
Curtin, Leo V. 1983. Molasses - General Considerations. Iowa : National Feed Ingredients Association.
 Perez, Rena. 1995. "Molasses". Tropical Feeds and Feeding Sytems. Cuba : Food and Agricultural Organization.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Can I Taste a Spoonful of It ?

Chicken soup, Vegetables soup, Meat soup, Seafood soup, Mushroom soup, Corn soup, Chilli soup, Tomato soup, Tom Yam soup, can you please tell me more of soups ?

It's refreshing, savory, warm, smooth, delicate, yeah that's a bowl of soup.
In my opinion, we like enjoying a bowl of soup when the outside is raining, having dinner with family, or we eat soup as an appetizer.

Today, I'm sharing to you how to make a simple clear chicken soup in my own way. Please, take a note!
I. Ingredients
- Cooking oil
- Chicken breast (fillet)
- Carrots
- Leeks
- Onions
- Water

II. Seasoning
- Black pepper
- Salt
- Fried onions
- Scallions

III. Procedure
- Turn on the stove, pour some cooking oil into a pan, and heat it up.
- While waiting the oil is hot, chop up the carrots, leeks, and onions in dice.
- Smash some garlics and chop them, as well.
- Cut the chicken breasts in dice about an inch of each sides.
- First, as the oil is hot, put in the chopped garlic.
- Then, put the chicken breasts and let them get some crisps on the outside.
- Put the chopped carrots, leeks, and onions, as well, and stir them up. Let the carrots and leeks get softened a bit, and the onions become translucent.
- Add some water till all the ingredients are covered up, and put the lid on.
- Let it simmer for about 30 minutes, so the flavor from all the ingredients may infuse the water become broth.
- Take the lid off, and add some salt and black pepper.
- Last, turn off the stove, add some scallions and stir a little, so that the scallions may be a bit done.
- Spoon out some of the soup into a bowl, and sprinkle the fried onions on top. Then, enjoy it!

That's my kind of simple clear chicken soup. Can I know yours?
Please, send your recipe to me by leaving a comment section below.
Thank you. Have a nice sip of soup! 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Choose Your Fried Rice !

Hello, everyone!

Today, I want to share you a recipe of fried rice.
I'm taking you back to the basic, then you may put your creativity on it.

I. Ingredients
- White rice
- Frying oil

II. Seasonings
- Garlics
- Onions
- Chillies
- Scallions 
- Salt
- Pepper
- Sweet soy sauce

III. Procedure
- Slice the garlics, onions, and chillies thinly
- Slice the scallions into about a half centimeter of width
- Turn on your stove and heat about 2-3 tablespoon of frying oil in a wok pan
- First, put garlics, onions, and chillies into hot oils and saute them
- Wait for seconds till the garlics turn a bit brown in color and onions turn translucent
- Add a bowl of white rice (or adjust it to your portion) into the wok pan and stir them up
- Then, add some salt, pepper, and sweet soy sauce to the mixture 
- Stir them again till the rice turns golden brown
- Before turning of the stove, please have a taste to your cook, and adjust its flavor
- Last, turn off the stove then add a handful of chopped scallions, and stir it a bit
- Pour the fried rice to a plate, and enjoy

That's my own version of simple fried rice that you can try at home.
Now, I'm giving you some advices you may try to your own fried rice :
1. You may or may not use sweet soy sauce. Your fried rice's color will be light pale yellow without the sweet soy sauce, Or instead using sweet soy sauce, you may use tomato paste (pink fried rice).

2. You may add more ingredients, like eggs, meat, sausages, meatballs, mixed vegetables, mushrooms, chicken, seafood, and etc to your own style fried rice.

3. Instead of using salt, you may use salty soy sauce, fish sauce, or oyster sauce. Please, adjust the sufficient flavor with your own palate.

4. Some people may not like to have a bite of chopped chillies while eating. It will suddenly burn your whole mouth. So, the solution I offer is try using chilli paste, or mash the chillies so it won't disturb your eating moment.

Okay, I think I'm done with my recipe here.
And, if you have a different style of fried rice, please share it with me!
I look forward to finding new fried rice recipes here. Moreover, if you have some special ingredients (such as your local ingredients, which is unique), please share it with me!
Thank you all. I hope you can make your own style of fried rice by now. See you.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cheers, Everyone!

Yellowish-brown, light, bubbly, bitter, sparkling, sour, and refreshing!

What is it? BEER! Once again, please? BEER!

Beer is a brewer product and one of the oldest and most complex drink in preparation.
Beer has 4 main ingredients, they are : Water, Malt, Yeast, and Hops.
Let us discuss them one by one!

A. Water
Various concentration of Ca2+ in water may influence the varieties of beer produced. Water with high concentration of Ca2+, called hard water, is good to produce beer such as Munich. Ans Water with low concentration of Ca2+, called soft water, is good to produce beer such as Pilsner.

B. Malt
Grains used to make beer are commonly Barley. Like other cereals, barley has endosperm at its very end side that contains large amount of starch as the nutrition for seeds to sprout. However, sprouting is not what we need to produces beer. We have to postpone the sprouting step by bonding the starch inside the endosperm each other chemically. Also, we need to keep the environment free of moisture, so that the sprouting enzymes won't work. This process is called malting, in which the germination process partially occurs. The product of this step is called malt.

C. Hops
Hops are the flower of the hop plant. Hops have unique compositions, more than 200 flavor substances, which have an impact on beer's characteristics (bitter taste, aroma, flavor). Also, hops facilitate the formation of foamy head on beer. Hops are added to filtered malt. And its product is called wort.

D. Yeast
Yeast is added to filtered wort, which is cooled to a specific temperature before. Species of yeast added to wort will result in different kind of beer. After the yeast is added, the fermentation process may begin.

Fermentation Process
Beer's fermentation needs yeast's help. Yeast converts the sugar in wort to alcoholic substances (ethyl alcohol). The sugar in wort comes from the malting process, where the water slowly hydrolyze the starch in endosperm. 
The liquid wort is transported to a fermentation tank from the bottom, while the yeast is added quickly after the wort comes in. During fermentation process, some wild bacteria and yeasts may grow in the liquid wort. Otherwise, the beer's yeast also grow fast, which then produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. These ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide inhibit the growth of certain wild bacteria and yeast. The carbon dioxide that flushed out through a special duct. Fermentation process will stop when the sugar from malt is near to run out.

The product from fermentation process is a cloudy liquid. This cloudy appearance isn't desirable for consumers. So, the beer liquid needs to be filtered. The coloid particles can be removed using kieselguhr filter and fine particle filter. After these operations, the beer is clear and ready for filling.

Beer has to be pasteurized first before getting into a bottle or can.

Perhaps, my information isn't clear enough. So, I decide to provide you pictures to hopefully you'll understand more :
Complete Manufacturing Process of Beer (

Principle of Kieselguhr Filter (

That's all I can share to you about beer's making process.

I hope it's useful for you. And so, Thankyou!

Reference :
Christensen, Emma. 2009. "Beer Guide : What Are Hops?". Accessed on Jan, 8th 2017 at 11.15 p.m.
Yurchuk, L. and I. Dmitriev. 2013. Beer Production Technology. Ukraine : National University of Food Technologies.